What is the best investment in 2019?
What is the best investment in 2019? Pat in Belmont, WI
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The DREAM Retirement Column
Published Regularly in the Dodgeville Chronicle, Monroe Times, Platteville Journal, Fennimore Times, Grant County Herald, Tri-Country Press, Republican Journal, Democrat Tribune and the Post Messenger Recorder
What’s the best investment in 2019?
That’s a great question Pat! It is always good to be proactively looking for good opportunities. The answer to that question depends on what your goals are, but I do know of one investment that is “the best” for everyone.
Benjamin Franklin once said, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” I agree!
An investment in knowledge will help you understand the options available to you so you can invest in a way to meet your personal goals.
Now, I am not saying you need a Ph.D. in finance! There are advisors to help you, that’s their job. An investment in knowledge gives you a basic understanding of how to choose an advisor, the steps of putting together a retirement plan, how different investments work and what opportunities or obstacles you should be aware of.
What is the best investment in 2019? With that said, where you make your investment in knowledge matters. You can google anything today and find thousands of pages of information with both good and bad opinions. The key is to think about where the information is coming from. For example, there are plenty of “talking heads” on the news that are esteemed as experts in an area, yet they are not advisors nor have they had any formal or real-life training in financial planning. Think about it this way, if you have a medical problem, do you want advice from a doctor with training and real-life experience?
There are also plenty of companies who provide information on investments and financial planning but all with a slant on the investments they use. For example, if they only offer investments that are in the stock market, they may not like fixed investment options or vice-versa.
If the company or advisor can’t offer certain products due to their licenses or the company’s offerings, the information may be slanted to the investments that they are paid to sell. If you ask Ford for information on how to choose a new car or truck, do you think that information might be slanted to what Ford makes?
So, make an investment in knowledge this year, but think about where you go to make that investment.
“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty.” ~ Henry Ford
“Don’t let your learning lead to knowledge, or you’ll become a fool. Let your learning lead to action, and you can become wealthy.” ~ Jim Rohn
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Michelle Bertram and Beverly Bertram are financial advisors living in Mineral Point WI and serving the surrounding communities. Michelle Bertram does financial planning for retirees along with business consulting. Beverly Bertram specializes in retirement planning and income planning for her clients. Michelle Bertram and Beverly Bertram are authors of the book, Creating You DREAM Retirement and creators of the DREAM Retirement Process.
Serving Madison WI, Verona WI, Mount Horeb WI, Barneveld WI, Dodgeville WI, Dubuque IA, Platteville WI, Lancaster WI, Cuba City WI, Fennimore WI, Darlington WI, Monroe WI, Spring Green WI, Black Earth WI and beyond.
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