Tax Planning, from a Christian’s Perspective

Tax planning is one of those areas of our financial life that most of us would rather avoid. We all feel like we pay too much in taxes, and it’s a common sentiment. But how should we approach taxes from a Christian perspective?

Well, Jesus was once tested by the Pharisees with a question about paying taxes to Caesar. They tried to trap Him, but Jesus wisely responded by asking for a coin and pointing out that it bore Caesar’s image. He then said, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s” (Matthew 22:21). 

This indicates that taxes are a reality in our lives, we are expected to pay them as part of honoring governing authorities.

There are also other scriptures that remind us to respect the authorities placed over us and acknowledge that taxes are part of how they are funded. 

As Christians, we understand that taxes have existed since the time of kings, and while they may sometimes feel unfair, Jesus taught that we should pay them.

However, that doesn’t mean we should accept paying the highest possible amount of taxes. 

Being a good steward involves seeking ways to lower our taxable income, where possible, to maximize the resources God has entrusted to us. 

For example, if you can legally reduce your taxes and then redirect that savings into furthering God’s kingdom, that’s a wise and good use of your resources.

By being strategic with your tax planning, you can make sure you’re using your money in ways that align with your values and priorities, like supporting ministries and causes that advance God’s work.

So, as Christians, it’s important to honor the requirement to pay taxes, even when they seem unfair, but also to be wise and proactive in reducing our tax liability. This allows us to use the resources God provides for His kingdom and purposes. 


A few additional Scripture References:

Pay your taxes, too, for these same reasons. For government workers need to be paid. They are serving God in what they do. Romans 13:6